Behavioral Science Lab. @ TMU

Request for Cooperation in Our Research (2022-09-05)

At Behavioral Science Laboratory at TMU, we are working on research to reveal effectiveness of people's waiting queues. In that process, we would like to conduct a survey of people's awareness of such queues and waiting behavior. We, therefore, ask that you read the following contents, understand the purpose of the research, and cooperate in answering the questionnaire survey.

The survey data you cooperated with will not be used for purposes other than this research.

If you understand the above purpose and would like to cooperate, please answer the question from our survey agent.


  • Principal Investigator: Kenro Aihara, Professor, Department of Tourism Science, Faculty of Urban Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan University
  • Researcher: Sawa Okubo, Department of Tourism Science, Faculty of Urban Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan University
  • Email address: [] (mailto:

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