Behavioral Science Lab. @ TMU

Research Activities

Behavior Logging for Microscopic Analysis

Acquisition and analysis of behavior logs using a smartphone application. Search for an efficient and effective sensing methods to grasp the situation in town using crowdsourcing.

Action Selection When Acting for Purposes Other Than the Pursuit of Rationality

Research into cognitive models and methodologies for action choices in "wandering" situations that are not satisfied by the pursuit of efficiency and rationality.

Relaxing Behavioral Restrictions When Walking around the Town and Changing Behavior

Proposals for new MaaS and other methodologies that improve the degree of freedom of behavior by making the movement of people and things closer to the user in the town and thereby bring about behavior change.

Factors Other Than Travel Time and Fees When Choosing a Means of Transportation and How to Use Them

Improving the quality of travel itself by re-recognizing the value of travel itself and enriching it on transportation.

Abe's Research
